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Hi I'm 45 single with my own place

Age 48 From Bonifay, Florida - Online Today
Woman Seeking Man (651 Miles Away)

Looking for possiblely friend with benefits looking to get to know someone new who likes to have fun deep conversations is up for challenges easily to get along with I'm very blunt so feel free to text me

Never done this before I'm new at this

Age 41 From Bartow, Florida - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Woman (836 Miles Away)

I'm fun and out going looking for something new

Soy bis me encantan las parejas

Age 52 From Blue Lagoon, Florida - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Couple (992 Miles Away)

Muy limpia y discreta 50 AƱos cubana madura busco parejas

Sexy, alegre, sensual

Age 50 From Miami, Florida - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Woman (987 Miles Away)

Solo busco nuevas experiencias para sentirme mejor

Hello! My name is Feli

Age 28 From Miami Beach, Florida - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (994 Miles Away)

I'm looking for a honest, reliable and fun gentleman

Sexis chica lesbianas

Age 30 From Lehigh Acres, Florida - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Woman (926 Miles Away)

Blancas con curvas sexis y lesbianas y atractiva

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