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Age 38 From Miami, Florida - Online Today
Woman Seeking Man (987 Miles Away)

Hola soy colombiana, atiendo a caballeros de alto nivel, discreto y exclusivos, voy a donde tú me digas , soy cariñosa te doy trato de novios, escríbeme y te doy la información, estoy en miami, voy a donde me digas, no atiendo en mi casa. Soy...

Hi I'm 45 single with my own place

Age 48 From Bonifay, Florida - Online 2 days ago
Woman Seeking Man (651 Miles Away)

Looking for possiblely friend with benefits looking to get to know someone new who likes to have fun deep conversations is up for challenges easily to get along with I'm very blunt so feel free to text me

Divertida con ganas de conocer amistades

Age 31 From Miami, Florida - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (990 Miles Away)

Morena, de cabello ondulado, ojos marrones, extrovertida y radiante, me gusta bailar

Soltero Soy amable

Age 19 From Miami, Florida - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Woman (985 Miles Away)

Linda y amable me gustan flaquita Me gustan cariñosas

Do you have the nerve

Age 54 From Sarasota, Florida - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (872 Miles Away)

Trained in multiple martial arts. Full on tactical.

Just looking for fun

Age 30 From Panama City, Florida - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Woman (693 Miles Away)

Just fun and pleasure nothing serious besides having a fun time being comfortable and enjoying the moment

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