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Newest Members that have just joined up:


Age 38 From Miami, Florida - Online Now
Woman Seeking Man (987 Miles Away)

Hola soy colombiana, atiendo a caballeros de alto nivel, discreto y exclusivos, voy a donde tú me digas , soy cariñosa te doy trato de novios, escríbeme y te doy la información, estoy en miami, voy a donde me digas, no atiendo en mi casa. Soy...

I'm ready for a good time

Age 41 From Bartow, Florida - Online 1 week ago
Woman Seeking Man (836 Miles Away)

I'm fun and out going and love to have fun

I'm A Harder Hit Than Reality.

Age 29 From Daytona Beach, Florida - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (751 Miles Away)

The Realest Fact God decided to let bless the world.

Busco a alguien pa hacerla sentir vien

Age 33 From Medley, Florida - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Woman (989 Miles Away)

Me gusta mucho los detalles la música y cosinar busco a alguien que quiera algo más sabroso que una ovación para a hacerla sentir bien y dedicarle tiempo

Looking for dom

Age 44 From Bonifay, Florida - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (651 Miles Away)

I want a man to take control tell me what what to do and how to do it and that can make me cum like i never have B4. Nothing painful.. I want nothing but pleasure…a lil spanking or light choking really turns me on

Do you have the nerve

Age 54 From Sarasota, Florida - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (872 Miles Away)

Trained in multiple martial arts. Full on tactical.

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